”If you practice a system unwaveringly, something will remain unaddressed or unresolved and there is likely to be residue from the practice and some aspect of your life that remains unconscious.”
‘Richard Freeman’ ✨I totally agree with this. In my own experience different practices of yoga, so a plurality of paths, can often be helpful.
If somebody only ever practiced Vinyasa yoga, so constant flow from posture to posture, there will come a point, in my opinion, where spending time with a good Iyengar teacher, learning about different body alignment in postures and exploring postures whilst holding them (sometimes for several minutes!) can be extremely useful. To both our own knowledge as teachers and for our own practice. Maybe if your only practice of yoga is Yin yoga, so passive held postures, then maybe some time doing aerobic activity such as Ashtanga yoga, or maybe cycling, swimming, dancing etc would bring more equilibrium both physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally and for some spiritually. If you tend to constantly flow from one pose straight to the next, then I’d be inclined to advice time in maybe a Yin Yoga session where you’re working at a very different level. Learning to retreat and navigate the mind a little more maybe. ✨We’re all unique beings, with different constitutions and needs on different days. The key, I believe, is to not get stuck or rigid in one way of doing something, both on and off your yoga mat! Life is far too short. Maybe there will be a time when you constantly practice your preferred lineage which can be a very valuable period of learning. The most important thing is to follow what works for you as a unique individual human being. Follow your gut feeling, stay open to change and most importantly, stay humble, stay on the path and enjoy it🙏🏽xx