Sports/Deep Tissue Massage Therapy – VTCT level 3 dip (a world class qualification)
This technique of massage is really great for relieving aches, pains and general stress with-in the body, or, if you are a sporty person, it is a fantastic way to aid performance and prevent injuries. A continual build up of tension in the muscles from regular exertion, be it sport, over use, or inactivity, due to a job that may require… lots of sitting at a desk, can lead to stresses on joints, ligaments, tendons, skeletal muscles and a general misalignment of ones posture, causing pain.
Deep tissue massage works by releasing deep rooted tension and toxins that manifest in the body, allowing and encouraging better alignment, mobility, calm and ease. This is usually done by using direct and deep pressure or friction to the muscle fibres and focusing on realigning deep muscle layers and connective tissue.
I like to add a holistic ambience to the experience. Total relaxation will help the muscle relax. I stay clear of the clinical setting and too much chatter. Working with music and using essential oils can add to this ambience. However, feedback on pressure and comfort throughout is necessary.
Please click on to my contact page to book an appointment.