Join me for a day of workshop delights. Saturday 6th of July • 10.30-12.30 ‘Let’s journey to Handstand’ with some...

My love of working therapeutically with clients
Although yoga continues to be my professional model when working therapeutically on a 1.2.1 basis. I am also currently training...

Bringing Yoga to Life (and a little NLP)
Dedicating myself to the learning, sharing and practising of yoga for some years now, I have become totally fascinated, of...

Body Psychotherapy Training 2019
Learning’s – Continual Professional Development (CPD’S) for 2019 – Super excited to be starting my training next month in Brighton...

The BIG Relax Workshop nr Penzance Cornwall
**CHANGE OF DATE** Decided December is already a pretty stacked out month for most people, so I’ve moved the date...

Crisis & Trauma Training
Today I have enrolled onto a Crisis & Trauma Counselling Diploma. As you do!! I’m super excited to learn more...

Yummy Karliyoga’s Turmeric latte Powder mix
✨✨Morning campers! So I mixed up a few jars of the golden goodness and ended up selling near on 100...

A Weekend Workshop with the lovely Dan Morgan here in Penzance Cornwall
Ok Yoga friends of Penwith! A few weeks back I had the total pleasure of being introduced to Mr Dan...

‘A Plurality of Paths’
”If you practice a system unwaveringly, something will remain unaddressed or unresolved and there is likely to be residue from...

I will be Teaching at Jason Vales Juicy Oasis in Portugal for 2 weeks in March 2018 🙂
I’m SO EXCITED I could burst! Not only do i absolutely love the whole Jason Vale’s juicing programmes. They are...

Yoga ‘A Whole Body Experience’
I love how yoga teaches us to sense our whole body in a posture. If we over work in our...

A Cornish Weekend Workshop with the lovely Jim Tarran
I am super excited to announce that the lovely Jim Tarran will be gracing us with his presence once again...

Sharing Yoga & The Importance Of A Regular Self Practice
✨✨Sharing Yoga & The Importance of a regular self practice✨✨ When I think back over my yoga years, practicing for...

Backbend transitions
✨✨Careful how you backbend in your transitions✨✨ I get sick of my own voice when teaching sometimes! BUT… we have...

Sharing Yoga with our county Rugby Team was such a pleasure.
✨Today I had the total pleasure in sharing some karlihotyoga with these awesome gentlemen @cornishpirates What a great bunch of...

Prasarita Padottanasana A (with the help of the wall)
✨Practicing Prasarita Padottanasana A against a wall really gets you connecting at the base level, so feet, legs and pelvis,...

What is a competent Yoga Teacher
What makes a competent Yoga Teacher? This discussion comes up all the time. If I’m not reading something about the...

How much is too much ?
A student recently asked me “So, when are you putting your class prices up?” I hadn’t really thought about EVER...

The Perfect Time For Reflexion
It took some time to drift off. It usually does around a Waning to Full moon period. I often feel...

Workshop Alert! ‘The Real Meaning Of Yoga’ with Jim Tarran
A full days workshop with Jim Tarran ‘The Real Meaning Of Yoga’ Sunday the 31st of July @ Innerspace...

Saturday Summer Yoga overlooking Sennen Beach ~ 7.45am
YOGA overlooking Sennen beach on Ben Tunnicliffe’s restaurant terrace every Saturday morning through the summer holidays. If the sun has...

Great article in ‘Cornwall Today’ magazine about our hotyoga sessions
Great article in ‘Cornwall Today’ magazine about our hotyoga sessions Thankyou ‘Cornwall Today’ for your support.

Time To Sit
Sitting for the sake of sitting … not to drink a cup of tea, not to finish off your tax...

Pose for Christmas
Here is a special pose for Christmas. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) This one will get you stretching and...
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