Utthita Trikonasana
(Utthita means extended/stretched-Tri means three and kona means angle and asana means posture) ‘The extended triangle pose’
Standing in Tadasana (mountain pose) toward the front of your yoga mat, step your right leg out along the length of your mat – 3 to 4 feet apart, feet facing forward. Extend your arms sideways, in line with the shoulders, palms facing down – keeping the arms parallel to the floor.
Turn your right foot out to 90 degrees, so that it is facing the front of the mat. Working from the hip, as to not twist the knee joint. Bring your attention to the alignment of the right knee, being aware not to twist it. If you experience discomfort, or any knee ‘niggles’ at all, make sure you have a slight softening/bend in the knee.
Now turn your left foot (back foot) in toward the right slightly, keeping the outer left foot moving down into the mat, lifting the inner arches of the foot, inner ankle and stretching from the inside of the back/left leg, drawing up with the knee toward the thigh. This will ensure stability, and assist with grounding the pose. Firm, comfortable, stable and aligned foundations are very important, as this is where the rest of the posture will grow from. Educating as it blossoms.
Exhale turn to gaze over your right arm, keeping the hips facing forward, raise the right arm, lengthening the torso, keep this lengthening action, as you bend the trunk sideways over your right leg, bringing your right palm to either cup over your ankle, or to the side of the right ankle.
Stretch the left arm up toward the sky, bringing it in line with the right shoulder, continue to extend the trunk.
The back of the legs, the back of the chest and hips should be in line. Keep the neck spine aligned, turn your neck gently, introducing your chin to left armpit, softly bringing your point of focus to your left thumb.
Focus on maintaining healthy curves in your spine. In general your back thigh will need a little more internal rotation and your front thigh a little more external. Keep the back thigh lifted, drawing the front hip under. Really ground down through your feet – broaden through the ribcage, soften the face and shoulders, grow through the spine and, most importantly, breeeethe 🙂 – You can practice this for half a minute to a full minute each side.
Utthita Trikonasana tones up the legs, removing tension and stiffness in the legs, pelvis and hips. Corrects any minor deformity in the leg, allowing them to develop more evenly. It’s also great for relieving back and neck aches, and a fab place to take a few beautiful, energising lung filling breaths.
I suggest trying Triangle pose every day this week! Enjoy. Kx