(Utkata means powerful, fierce, uneven)
From standing, mountain pose (tadasana), raise the arms straight over head, and join the palms. If the elbows bend, work with arms shoulder width apart, and focus on straightening into the elbows.
Exhale, bend into the knees and lower the trunk down, as if you have a chair to sit on, but remember you don’t!
Eventually you want your thighs parallel with the floor, however, begin gently, building up to a deeper seat.
Try not to stoop forward and keep the chest broad, and, as far back as possible.
Activate the legs strongly, drawing the knees in toward your midline.
Be aware of the lumbar (lower back) region. Try not to over concave. Instead seek a sense of balance in the pelvic, and space / comfort in the lower back.
Have a subtle drawing back of the naval toward the spine. This will offer support to the lower back.
Stay in the pose for several, smooth, long rhythmic breaths.
Inhaling to come out, lowering the arms.
Benefits : Utkatasana removes stiffness in the shoulders, strengthens the legs and ankles. The diaphragm lifts, which give a gentle massage to the heart, The back and abdominal organs become toned and it is a optimal posture for yogic breathing.
Practice every day this week 🙂 X