✨Practicing Prasarita Padottanasana A against a wall really gets you connecting at the base level, so feet, legs and pelvis, in this strong wide leg forward fold pose. Without the wall it is very easy and tempting to “cheat”. What tends to happen when we fold forward without the wall, or, a certain level of awareness and understanding, is the bottom presses back and we lose awareness of how to work the legs. After some sufficient warming up (I practiced Ashtanga Primary series and stopped here at PPA to play with the wall and my alignment). Take your heals to a wall and come into a wide leg downward facing dog. Slowing begin to walk your hands back, so that your sitting bones come toward the wall. Once they are on the wall it’s quite helpful to go in with one hand at a time and grab your butt and lift it up the wall! Engage and ground the feet well, especially the lateral feet, lift the inner arches and lengthen all the way up to the groins. Press your quadriceps back toward the wall, lift the sitting bones and REALLY work those legs. If you don’t you will want to fall forward! Once you’ve found your feet and your grounding stability, begin to walk the hands back, attempting to press the back of your forearms into the wall- heals of the hands down. Extend the spine, open the heart and breathe deeply. ✨This experience is too good to rush, so stay with it for a good couple of minutes
Gooord, I love yoga! It manages to sort me right out every time I let it in❤️It switches me off whilst switching me on
Enjoy your practice and stay with what feels good at any given time. Each time you step on your mat you’ll experience something new♀
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