About Karli hot yoga
Hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga performed in a studio that is heated between 37- 40 degrees.
Hot Vinyaya 34, typically a 75 minute program that consists of a series of 34 postures and 2 breathing exercises, is practiced in a room of around 37 degrees – the sequence requires lengthy and well-controlled contractions of all major muscle groups. The demanding nature of the poses and the heat are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles strongly.
Karli qualified as a hotyoga teacher with Camyoga in Cambridge. Where the hotyoga sequence taught consisted of the 26 postures, traditionally taught in the Bikram yoga sequence, with a few extra hatha postures added, so consisting in total of 34 poses.
Karli shares – ” Although this style of yoga isn’t my passion to teach, mainly because it is the same balanced sequence each time – so it can become a little robotic from a teaching point of view – I continue to share it ( We are in our 6th years now!) because of the ongoing positive feedback I receive from my regular students. The combination of heat and the practicing of the same asanas (postures) each time allows many bodies (it doesn’t suit everyBODY) to embark on a sense of further ease and release from many ongoing daily physical “noises” they may be experiencing. When the body feels happy the mind will benefit hugely! For many it can also be the first step into embodiment. So I look at sharing hotyoga more as a service than a passion and I actually see this way of practicing the poses more as a regular physical therapy session than a yoga session if I’m honest.”
Below are some comments from Karli hot yoga students regarding their experience:
“Definitely recommend, I’m a total beginner… it’s like an hour long massage, purifying sweat and a posture balance all in one. On my 8th class! At first I really thought this was not for me. but decided to book a course and stick with it as I have suffered hip and back pain. The results are so beneficial that I have booked more classes. I have also noticed after a hotyoga class I don’t feel like drinking alcohol or eating! That’s not like me… after only 4 classes I started to feel a little toned too. Very Happy.”
Carol T
“Wow… Did not know that my body could do that! – I feel very chilled afterwards… 1 hour away from everyday hectic stuff – Drink plenty of water before and after – my elbows do NOT go inside out! – I had know idea I could sweat so much – Breathe and then breathe some more… it definitely helps – Looking at yourself in a full length mirror, while you are hot and sweaty teaches you to be kind to yourself. – always plan to pop into Sainsburys before yoga, not after – You need to be kind to other people.”

“Loved tonights class, loved Mondays class! Wish I could do more hotyoga every dam day!”
“Another great Hotyoga class last night 🙂 I have a love/hate relationship with hotyoga! The classes are tough after a long week at work, but its doing great things for my body. I had regular hip pain before I started which has now gone-and I’ve dropped a dress size. Thanks Karli”
Laura H
“Have just attended my second hotyoga class, what an amazing experience! Karli is a brilliant teacher, very friendly and welcoming, as so are all the other members. Thank you.
Mike H
The benefits of Karli hot yoga

Hot yoga is the latest offshoot of yoga that has attracted a huge fanbase across the UK.
Now, the practice that offers numerous benefits including increased flexibility and strength is gaining ground in Cornwall.
So why is hot yoga becoming so popular?
Here are some of the benefits from practicing yoga in a hot room:
- Flexibility: The heat allows yoga students to safely reach new levels of flexibility, which is therapeutic for the body.
- Strength: Hot yoga consists of low impact exercises, working muscles that are not routinely exercised. The main focus is on spine strength, which is essential to a long, healthy life.
- Breath: Hot yoga is body control that promotes a steady posture while breathing normally. In a hot environment, breathing is all-important so hot yoga will teach you to breathe in a full and controlled manner.
- Cardio: Your heart works the same way doing yoga in a heated room as it does when running a mile, especially when you are balancing and contracting your muscles at the same time.
- Detox: A hot room makes you sweat and this, added with yoga postures, is a key routine to detoxifying for your muscles, organs and glands.
- Focus: A Karli ‘hot 34’ yoga class consists of the same 34 postures and breathing exercises. This routine helps advance your practice through repetition helping you gain focus and determination.
- Healing: The primary purpose of hot yoga is therapy. The postures help heal injuries and prevent them reoccurring. Hot yoga reduces symptoms of diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, arthritis and obesity.